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man up | Raising Fathers to Save Our Children


Behind every breakdown in society is a broken family. Behind every broken family is a broken dysfunctional man.


If we can heal the man, we'll heal our society - "What walks in the father's, runs in the children."


Dysfunctional men is the root cause of the challenges we see in society today. Whether it's violence, anger, neglect or addiction to drugs, alcohol or pornography, men are unable to function as partners, husbands and fathers because of their dysfunctions. Some dysfunctions were learnt from an early age, others due to circumstances in life.


If man is the problem, then Man is also the SOLUTION to restoring our communities and families.


In Aotearoa, New Zealand, we record some of the highest statistics in crime, suicide, prison inmates per capita amongst first world countries. Visit our website to read real stories of how Man Up is changing these statistics


With our prison populations ever increasing and with a government that continues to throw taxpayers money to house, incarcerate and rehabilitate dysfunctional men. Through Man Up, men make positive decisions to remain drug-free, alcohol-free, smoke-free, make a firm commitment to their partners and families, and become positive role-models by taking responsibility.


Our aim is to restore men to their true identity and become better fathers, husbands, spouses, business owners, employees and contributors to our society.

legacy Healing the Broken Hearted


Legacy is a self empowering program designed for all women from all walks of life. We are about encouraging & supporting each other on the path to greatness.

te korowairua Rise of the Māori Nation


Te Korowairua is the name of the Māori expression of Te Iwi Tapu. It is a place where Māori feel most at home. 


Written in long form the name is “Kotahi te Korowai, e rua ōna mata, meaning ‘One cloak with two faces/functions’


The shortened name of the ministry ‘Te Korowairua’ is derived from two scriptural references. The first relates to the story of Joseph and his coloured coat (Genesis 37:3)  This coat represents the favour given from a father to his son and symbolised the special nature of the dream and assignment Joseph carried for the betterment and prosperity of future generations.


Secondly, in Genesis 9:21 we see the story of Noah and his sons. Two of Noah's sons revealed great honour and respect for their father placing a Korowai over him so he was not exposed and to keep his mana intact.


It was revealed that these two stories captured the unique functions of Te Korowairau which is to emulate the prestige of the vision and its visionary whilst keeping intact and protecting its unique mana and calling.


Te Moemoeā (The Vision)


To translate the ways, words and wairua of the Visionary into familiar Māori expressions to engage and impact Māori, connecting sons back to the father and giving manifestation to the ‘Rise of the Māori nation.’


Ngā whāinga (The Aims) 


To provide excellent Māori cultural support and expression for all aspects of the vision.


To proudly represent our Iwi and visionary with its unique DNA in all Māori cultural contexts.


To engage all Māori with our message of hope inviting them to take part in this great move of God.


To work collaboratively with other Hapū (Iwi Tapu tribes), ministry teams and leaders providing advice, support and practical hands-on help when required and practicable.


Tu tangata riders Riders with Purpose


Tu Tangata riders are not like any typical bikers group.  We always ride with purpose, and in power, raising funds for charitable causes throughout New Zealand and Australia.  The rumble of our rods help to wake communities up to the causes we represent. 


The Korowai we wear holds our Iwi Tapu flag, in recognition of our wider Iwi Tapu tribes that we go ahead of and represent. 


We will often be found giving kids free Harley rides, and always making a positive impact in our communities using the roar of our engines.

25 Druces Road,

Manukau, Auckland,

New Zealand

© 2019 Te Iwi Tapu

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